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What if young people in the Western Balkans had a saying in EU policy making?

Most Europa simulated a European Council meeting with youngsters from Serbia and Montenegro. What policy positions did they agree on?

Most Europa simulated this scenario, and together with 14-to 17-year-old young people from Serbia and Montenegro, we discussed topics they would like to put on the European political agenda, such as better education, protection of the environment and migration.

They took on the roles of European leaders and simulated the European Council including Serbia and Montenegro and, together, tried to formulate unanimously political positions.

The result: The young people quickly realised that it is not easy to reach a consensual agreement on a common position!

If these young people had had a political voice that day and voted in the European Council, then 

  • meat production would be limited in the EU to protect the environment, 

  • corruption in the education sector would be combated

  • refugee policy would be tackled in solidarity.

Not a bad outlook, is it?